Heart Trio Co Q10, Vitamin E and Fish Oil
Three of the best supplements for heart health are CoQ10, vitamin E, and fish oil. Certain organs have very large requirements of energy. The heart is one such organ because it is constantly pumping. CoQ10 is taken for heart health because it aids in replenishing cellular energy. CoQ10 is also popular among people who take statin drugs as these drugs tend to deplete CoQ10 levels within the body. It may help protect cell membranes, cell mitochondria and even DNA. Vitamin E is one of the best antioxidant vitamins and may have the potential to protect the health of every cell in the body from the free radicals. This is especially true of the cardiovascular system because the oxidation of fat-soluble LDL cholesterol may contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease because muscles like the heart are particularly susceptible to toxic free radicals. Lastly, fish oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids which may be helpful in supporting the health of the heart and cardiovascular system. Omega-3’s may help support the normal, healthy blood clotting process in the body and normal, healthy levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. For many, it can be difficult to obtain CoQ10, vitamin E and omega-3 fish oil in high enough amounts in their diet to support optimal hearth health. Therefore, having these three supplements together in one high potency supplement can make heart health easy and convenient.
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SKU: 1411-60A
Type: Softgels
Count: 60
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